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magnetic north是什么意思

发布时间:2021-04-14 作者: 英语查

magnetic north 是什么意思


magnetic:    adj. 1.磁(性)的;(可)磁化的。 2.吸引人心的 ...
north:    n. 1.〔通常作 the north〕北,北方,北部。 ...
the direction in which a compass needle points
同义词:north, compass north,


1.It ' s where we get our magnetic north pole and south pole ,

2.Normally it points toward magnetic north

3.In 1988 , at the age of 50 , she became the first woman to travel alone to the magnetic north pole

4.In fact , the difference between the directions of celestial and magnetic north depends on the position of the observer

5.The magnetic north and south poles have shifted before in the course of the planet ' s history - one result being the last ice age

6.For starters , the core ' s motion could help explain why magnetic north and south periodically wander or reverse over earth ' s history

7.Driven by propellers , microhunters navigate in three dimensions by homing in on light sources , depth , pressure or a direction ? magnetic north , for example

8.Leslie dang , da liang and thomas carrier are taking part in the 2008 polar challenge . a 500km ski race to the magnetic north pole
戴丝莉,大梁和高凯利参加“ 2008极地挑战” .这是在北极举行的团体赛事,选手们要跋涉350英里到达1996年勘定的地磁北极。

9.The two sunspots of a pair have different polarities , one would be a magnetic north and the other is a magnetic south . thus , we believe that there are magnetic field lines joining the two sunspots of a pair . the strong magnetic field locks the gas of the photosphere in places and inhibits the hotter gas below to rise at the sunspots

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